Suction head with extendible suction plate:
With our suction head system it is possible to position the pressed tile very exactly on the drying frame (without a large "falling height").
The vacuum pressure exists solely on the suction plate, hence the pressed tile can be set down gently using the moving suction plate and, first and foremost, in a controlled manner. This essentially prevents any deformation of the wet tile.
Key advantages:
- Exact setting down and positioning of the tile using the extendible suction plate and adjustable extension stroke (up to 30 mm)
- Gentle setting down of the tile on the drying frame
- Surrounding peripheral felt for knife oiling
- Short suction time due to minimally sized vacuum space
- Quick-release mounting for different systems
- Compact design
- Low maintenance
Suction head with retractable knifes:
With this suction head system the knife boxes are retracted relative to the rigid suction plate before setting down.
Just shortly before the setting down the tile is only held against the suction plate and set down by vacuum pressure.
Key advantages:
- Clean cut
- Surrounding peripheral felt for knife oiling
- Short suction time due to minimally sized vacuum space
- Standardised design and robust version
- Low maintenance due to robust guides and seals
Possible options for both suction heads:
- Inner lying, controlled forced oiling
- Knife cooling for improved cut
- Use of thin and quickly exchangeable knife inserts